Plenty of fun for children
On this day, the Römer will become a place to experience and will offer great activities for Frankfurt’s young citizens.
Kids Club (29)
In the “Ratskeller”, under pedagogical supervision, small St Paul’s churches are made out of wood as souvenirs to take home. In addition, children can build a large walk-in “Paulskirche” out of wood on the pavement in front of the “Ratskeller”, all with educational guidance.
Both offers are free of charge.
11:00 am – 6:00 pm, Ratskeller (entrance Braubachstraße opposite Paulskirche)
Button making for both young and old (50)
You create your motif, determine the design and produce your own personal button.
12:00 pm – 6:00 pm, Room 310 (behind the Plenary Hall)
Guided tours for children (1)
Especially for young visitors, there is the possibility to explore the “Römer” within the framework of guided tours for children. These will take place at 1:00 pm, 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm. Recommended age: 6-12 years.
Free tickets for the guided tours are available in the foyer on the ground floor of the “Römer”.