Site plan
Ground floor
Foyer (Lobby):
1. Guided tours
2. On the Path to Modern Democracy – The German Freedom Movements from the French Revolution
to the Mid-19th Century
52. KoDeX Römer – Kommunale Demokratie Explainer
Municipal offices, businesses and companies present themselves, shed light on their work and invite you participate in a process of exchange and dialogue.
3. HR and Organisation Office
4. Staff Unit – “Clean Frankfurt”
5. “Time Ride”: 1,200 years of Frankfurt
6. City Planning Office
7. Department for Transport
8. Municipal Environmental Agency
9. City Planning Office – Frankfurt am Main
10. Housing Office
11. The Fair Trade Coordination Centre of the City of Frankfurt
12. Local Health Authority
13. Frankfurt Baths
Municipal offices, businesses and companies present themselves, shed light on their work and invite you participate in a process of exchange and dialogue.
14. Monuments Office
15. Department for Culture
16. Frankfurt Zoo
17. Sports Office – Euro 2024
18. Staff Unit – Aircraft Noise Protection
19. Frankfurt Economic Development GmbH
20. Municipal Schools Department
21. Municipal Library
22. Staff Unit – Digitisation
23. Office for Multicultural Affairs
24. Youth and Social Welfare Office
25. Public Order Office
26. Frankfurt Opera and Frankfurt Theatre
27. FES Frankfurter Entsorgungs- und Service GmbH
28. “Kita Frankfurt” – Proprietary daycare operation of the City of Frankfurt am Main
29. Kids Club
1st upper floor
30. Registry Office

2nd upper floor
Lord Mayor’s Office:
32. Lord Mayor’s Office
Emperor’s Hall:
33. Women’s Department
34. Revolutionary Women and their Contribution to the History of Democracy
35. „Escape Bubbles – Abenteuer in der Filterblase” – Interactive Exhibition of an Escape Game
Foyer Kaisersaal & Wandelhalle:
31. Central Office and City Marketing- City- und Stadtteilmarketing
- Department for International Affairs
Exhibition – “Factions“ (36-44)
Ask questions and discuss with representatives of the political parties in the “Römer” at the information stands on the 2nd floor in the “Kaisersaal” foyer and in the “Wandelhalle”.
Participating groups: The GRÜNEN parliamentary group in the “Römer”, CDU parliamentary group Frankfurt am Main, SPD parliamentary group in the “Römer”, DIE LINKE parliamentary group in the “Römer” (coffee and cake in the “Café Rosa Luxemburg” in the Römerhöfchen), Freie Demokraten – FDP in the “Römer”, AfD parliamentary group, Volt in the “Römer”, BFF-BIG parliamentary group in the “Römer”, “DIE FRAKTION”
The “Golden Book” of the City of Frankfurt

3rd upper floor
“Foyer Plenarsaal” (Lobby Plenary Hall):
Exhibition – Committees
In the foyer of the Plenary Hall, representatives of the local councils (46), district heads (47) and the KAV (Kommunale Ausländerinnen-und Ausländervertretung der Stadt Frankfurt am Main) (48) will be waiting for you. Learn more about their intermediary functions between citizens and the city administration.
“Plenarsaal” (Plenary Hall):
Once a month, the city councillors meet in the Plenary Hall to determine the future course of the City of Frankfurt. Discover the place where important decisions for our city are made and heated debates are held.
Throughout the day, employees of the “Stadtverordnetenversammlung” (City Assembly Office) will inform you about the course of a session of the City Assembly, or what special features there are in the Plenary Hall.
Behind the “Plenarsaal” (Plenary Hall):
50. Plenty of fun for children
Office of the Head of the City Council:
51. Office of the Head of the City Council