With the Römerpass in hand, it’s a case of keeping your eyes open, because the solutions are on the way. With a little luck, great prizes await you.
Go on a discovery tour through the “Römer”, immerse yourself in the history and current topics of the city.
You can obtain the “Römerpass” from our guides and at the Main Office and City Marketing (Hauptamt und Stadtmarketing – City- und Stadtteilmarketing) stand on the 2nd floor (31). You can also return your completed “Römerpass” here by 7:00 pm to take part in the raffle.
Special prizes await you:
- An exclusive tour with the new city leader
- “A look behind the scenes of the City Parliament” with Ms Hilime Arslaner, Chairwoman of Frankfurt City Council
- Several vouchers and tickets for Frankfurt Zoo, the BäderBetriebe Frankfurt, the VHS Frankfurt, “Frankfurt Oper“ (“Frankfurt Opera”) and “Schauspiel Frankfurt” (“Frankfurt Theatre”), museums located on Frankfurt’s “Museumsufer”